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EMAB has five environmental priority areas at Diavik including: water, air, wildlife, closure and reclamation, and Traditional Knowledge. 

EMAB is in its 18th year of operations. Our main role is to watch over the environment around Diavik. EMAB reports back to communities and Parties to the Environmental Agreement about what is happening at Diavik.

Our public library can be accessed online. It is updated regularly with Diavik's environmental monitoring reports, technical reviews, EMAB annual reports, and meeting minutes. 

Recent News

May 30, 2024

EMAB's 2022-23 Annual Report, summary brochure, and audio recordings of the executive summary in both Tłı̨chǫ and ...

March 19, 2024

EMAB is seeking proposals for a standing offer arrangement with individuals or companies with demonstrated wildlife...

December 14, 2023

We have just uploaded the approved Minutes and meeting summaries from both the June and October Board Meetings, as...
